Monday, April 6, 2009


Progression is a personal thing. There is no shortcut, no easy way around, no secrets, no possibility of progressing on someone else's merit. That is just not how it works. We are responsible for who we are every step of the way. It has become widely believed that all people have so called "rights"; rights to houses, cars, jobs, protection, health care, and all matter of things. This is completely and totally false. These things are never rights, they are privileges. The privileges of work. The only right any of us has is to progress ourselves and to strive for happiness. Anything beyond that is inconsistent and impossible.

Debt is a terrible thing in any form. It enslaves a man to his wants or supposed needs. Debt results from attempting to have what we have not achieved. To be who we are not and to claim what we do not own. It restricts happiness, retards progression, and destroys confidence. Debt should be avoided as the plague if none currently exists and fled as if from a burning building when one is in it. Still a repaid debt is far better than living at an other's expense.

To live off handouts, food stamps, taxpayer money, charity, begging, or any other form of living that comes at an other's expense when we are capable of supporting ourselves to any degree is among the most degraded thing a man can do. It is choosing to be a rock when offered the choice of progressing towards perfection. It is giving up, it is becoming worthless, and is worthy of nothing but contempt and disregard. It can never be the responsibility of another to pull someone along who doesn't have the self respect to do it themselves. Life is not valuable or sacred simply because it is life, life is valuable in direct relation to how it is used. The life of the thief, the murderer, the idle, the lazy, the willing slave, the apathetic, and the willfully useless is not equal to the life of the worker, the consistent, the truthful, the seeker, the contributor, and the independent. It is a grave mistake to think these lives are the same.

The Eternalist is strong enough and self respecting enough to never live at an other's expense. The Eternalist contributes, strives for perfection, takes personal responsibility, and expects the same of others. The Eternalist is proud of accomplishment and strives to increase it. Eternalism understands the honor of work.

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